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12 ° c
Conditions: Mainly sunny

Malahat SkyWalk Conditions

Malahat SkyWalk temperatures and current conditions shown are for our Welcome Centre.
The top of the spiral tower may be breezy, so we suggest bringing an extra layer.
Wear comfortable footwear to make the most of your visit.

Upcoming Forecast


19 ° c
Mainly sunny
Fog patches dissipating this morning. High 19 except 15 near the water. UV index 5 or moderate.


11 ° c
A few clouds
Wind light except west 40 km/h near Juan de Fuca Strait. Low 11.


15 ° c
Chance of showers
Increasing cloudiness. 60 percent chance of showers in the afternoon. Wind becoming south 20 km/h in the morning. High 15.


20 ° c
A mix of sun and cloud
Sunny. High 20.


18 ° c
High 18.


18 ° c
A mix of sun and cloud
High 18.

BOGO Half Price Extravaganza

Here's how you can score a sweet deal this September at Malahat SkyWalk!

Click here for details